Page 27 - OPPD Annual Report 2016
P. 27

Support Services Division
Technology Unit
The Technology Unit consists of a Captain and two detectives. The Technology Unit provides support for the department in the field of Audio/Video Forensics, Computer Forensics, and other technological needs. The department continues to see the increased use of electronic devices to commit crimes within the City of Overland Park. The mission of the Technology Unit is to provide the best quality support to the department by using available tools, training, knowledge and experience to support the case investigations and crime prevention.
Detective Terry Schmidt is trained in audio/video, video management systems, electronic surveillance counter measures, covert operations, GPS tracking and other electronic aspects associated to police investigations. Detective Schmidt installs, operates, and manages electronic devices both in the field and lab. This includes large projects like fiber connections to area business for camera surveillance.
Detective Hogan is the new addition to the Technology Lab in 2016. Detective Hogan joined the Unit in mid year and has completed computer forensic training. Detective Hogan will be supporting investigations that involve computers.

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